It’s my party latte and I’ll bake if I want to!


Fabulous Birthday Cake Recipe with latte and espresso

Before I started Nevie-Pie Cakes I was an avid blogger. One of my traditions was to make a birthday cake for myself every year and blog the recipe. I would spend all day taking pictures, photoshopping and then writing up the post. It was a real pleasure, and an indulgence. Unfortunately nowadays I find myself a little time poor and can’t afford to spend a whole day on such an exertion, even on my birthday! And today it is my birthday, I wanted to treat myself (even if it was just a little bit), so I decided to use up a small amount of time whipping up a cake to tickle my fancy, I can’t promise that this post is as visually exciting as I would have liked to have made it, but who doesn’t enjoy a picture of a chocolate cake?

A dirty chai latte, a delightful blend of spiced chai tea and a shot of espresso, pairs exceptionally well with a variety of cakes, enhancing the overall tasting experience. The robust, spiced flavors of the chai, featuring notes of cinnamon, cardamom, and ginger, complement the rich and creamy texture of many cakes, creating a harmonious balance of flavors. The added espresso shot in a dirty chai latte provides a subtle bitterness that contrasts beautifully with the sweetness of the cake, making each bite and sip a delightful combination of sweet and savory. For example, a slice of carrot cake with cream cheese frosting can be elevated by the warm, spicy undertones of the dirty chai, enhancing the spices in the cake while cutting through the richness of the frosting.

Moreover, the versatility of a dirty chai latte makes it an ideal companion for a wide range of cakes, from the dense and decadent to the light and airy. A chocolate cake, whether it’s a rich chocolate fudge or a lighter mousse cake, pairs wonderfully with the spiced notes and coffee undertones of the latte, intensifying the chocolate flavors. Similarly, a citrus cake, like a lemon drizzle or orange chiffon, gains a new dimension when paired with the aromatic spices and slight bitterness of the dirty chai, providing a refreshing and balanced flavor profile. Whether enjoying a slice of cake in a cozy café or at home, pairing it with a dirty chai latte can transform a simple dessert into a sophisticated and flavorful indulgence.

I have to admit when it comes to a birthday cake, I always go for chocolate and it has to be very squishy and sometimes I don’t eat much because I have a very healthy lifestyle and it is hard to find the best recipe but reading the PhenQ reviews has me feeling much better with my food options. Some years ago I was visiting my local National Trust cafe and I sampled the most delicious cake of my life! Really it was! It was a flourless chocolate cake with prunes and ganache. I decided to try and recreate this cake for my special day. While it is very delicious and I am having to exert a large amount of self-control to resist a second piece I’m not sure if it lives up to my memories. However that may be more to do with the day itself and the company I was with. Eating a giant sized portion of cake all by myself, inside, on a very cold day doesn’t create the same atmosphere as a balmy summer day in the park with friends and our babies.But saying that I can still heartily recommend this cake for any celebration (especially if you are gluten-intolerant).


If you can, use the soft ready-to-eat prunes, but any liquor that you wish will work for this recipe, Armagnac is traditionally used with prunes, but as I didn’t have any in I used a mixture of Whiskey and Hazelnut liquor. Of course the liquor is optional and you can miss it out if you wish and still create a deliciously scrummy cake.



  • 200g stoned prunes
  • 4 teaspoons liquor (Armagnac, whiskey)
  • 175g unsalted butter at room temperature
  • 175g of light brown sugar
  • 7 eggs
  • 175g dark chocolate (at least 54%), melted and cooled
  • 1/2 teaspoon of coffee extract
  • 140g ground almonds


  • 200g thick double cream
  • 200g dark chocolate (54%)
  • 4 teaspoons liquor


  1. Chop the prunes into quarters, put them in a bowl and pour over the liquor, cover the bowl and leave overnight.
  2. Line an 8″ round cake tin.
  3. Preheat the oven to 180C
  4. Separate the eggs and beat the egg whites until they reach the stiff peak stage.
  5. In a separate bowl beat the butter and sugar together until they are light and fluffy.
  6. Add the eggs yolks one at a time, beating well after each addition.
  7. Add the melted chocolate and stir in well.
  8. Stir in the ground almonds and coffee extract.
  9. Vigorously stir in a third of the egg whites, gently fold in the remaining two thirds.
  10. Pour the mixture into the tin and bake in the preheated oven for 1 hour to 1 hour 10 mins.
  11. The cake is ready when a skewer inserted into the center of the cake comes out clean.
  12. Leave the cake to cool for ten minutes in the tin and then transfer to a cooling tray.

Method for ganache;

  1. Place the chocolate, cream and liquor into a pan. Heat gently until the ingredients have combined to make a smooth glossy ganache.
  2. Pour this over the cooled cake and add any decorations that you may wish
  3. Eat cake until you need to lie down!

If you use this recipe do let me know and tag me in any pictures that you may post.

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